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Alpha Reunion's lack of activity
I've been bothering Caer about this for weeks, and as the league manager I consider his actions to be somewhat questionable.

This week is sort of an opportune moment to complain on the forum as a lot of squads had to play with less than 4. My squad, Alpha Reunion has been struggling with this problem for more than a month, mostly having 1 or 2 other pilots aside from me show to the matches. Having told Caer about this trend in week 11, I requested an exception should be made to the roster lock and players on AR should be allowed to change squads. He said no, because the official rules required 2 no-shows. I cited 2 consecutive matches which should've be enough to satisfy the official rule:

Week 9: April 28th AR vs Requiem - AR showed 2 (Weasal and Badlamb)

Week 10: May 5th AR vs Assassins - AR showed 1 (Mighty Sven)


He refused. Now, It's clear to me that AR's activity will stagnate or decline, but despite this Caer has remained stubborn and held to his decision to refuse any players on AR from changing squads.


Please weigh in on this issue so it can be resolved. Personally, it's not fun to play on an inactive squad and I think it would benefit the league if some of the pilots on squads with less activity could be consolidated to active squads.




Quote:4.0.5. -- Number of players, no-shows

The minimum number of players required to start a game is 2. A squad will be kicked from league if they no-show two weekends in a row, or a total of 4 times during the season. All no-shows count as 0-12, same as BYE rounds.

Unused slots do not automatically close, late entries are ok.

Unused slots on the losing team will be converted to deaths before the matches are ended. To get this done, use ?help to notify an online staff member.

Damn son, you were so close to knowing the rules.


You keep trying to tell me, yourself or via El Father, how Alpha Reunion has no will to play or show up. Meanwhile Pryde just wants to play and Nude for Satan is trying to contact the rest of your squad to actually show up.

You, however, show up to games but refuse to play. Even if AR eventually folds, I won't let you join any other squad under a recently added rule #35 of being an utter dick.
You're trying to reason with a guy who has no clue what he is doing.  Hence why the league had 4 teams before people returned and tried to revive the league.  Now after a 42 week regular season no one cares anymore except for his team shocking I know.  Practice arenas are dead again, and teams are no showing due to lack of interest.  Long seasons promote both of these issues, but again the guy has absolutely zero clue and will always be ignorant and resistant to change.  All I can say is enjoy the 4 team league again next season.

I have just sent an eMail to about 90% of our roster with an impassioned plea to ... well to at least tell me what they think they're capable of in terms of presenting over the last 8-ish rounds. 


If I can keep making enemies inexplcably explode for no reason like yesterday as though I'm channelling the bloke from Scanners I'll be happy to soldier on  :pardon:

One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.
I tried to help you guys, but the bot specced me and gave me a loss Sad fail

Quote:You, however, show up to games but refuse to play. Even if AR eventually folds, I won't let you join any other squad under a recently added rule #35 of being an utter dick.

The game that you saw me show up to and not play last sunday only had 2 other people present... (Nude for Satan and Pryde). I am tired of playing 3v4 or 2v4, this would have been the 3rd or 4th time I did something like that.

Lastly, thanks for making a personal attack. I won't push this any further.

its clear carabnnog suffers a mental illness, theres no much you can do.. the facts are there any player/captain/person of the league would allow the move.

but sadly you cant overcome his autism, youre a good and active on both pracs and sunday games, more active than most and this ISNT your home zone, its sad to see NEW a player willing to play not being able to and not enjoying our low populated zone.
Quote:its clear carabnnog suffers a mental illness, theres no much you can do.. the facts are there any player/captain/person of the league would allow the move.
but sadly you cant overcome his autism, youre a good and active on both pracs and sunday games, more active than most and this ISNT your home zone, its sad to see NEW a player willing to play not being able to and not enjoying our low populated zone.

See, that's where you're wrong.

The 4v4 council, who will run the next season (hopefully), was made aware of this issue and two other roster issues a while ago.

"Everyone" agreed that eleven weeks is plenty of time to actually figure out whether your squad is active or not. The roster locks are there for a reason. The time when it happens and who it affects is always a hot topic, though.


The season length Rage referred to wasn't planned. Had I known we have 12 (more or less) squads, I would've either ran it as a pyramid or split leagues. The long season does give the council a bit of time to, well, work. So it all kind of works out.


It turned out this way since squads formed after the league started. Maybe I should've just not let them join the league and listen to you whine on how I keep players who want to play from playing?
thats great 11 weeks, except reds was a late joining squad which didnt have much time to form a roster. regardless it doesnt matter, its clear you are angry and nothing will happen

Quote:<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="NuB KiNG" data-cid="287601" data-time="1369699486">its clear carabnnog suffers a mental illness, theres no much you can do.. the facts are there any player/captain/person of the league would allow the move.
but sadly you cant overcome his autism, youre a good and active on both pracs and sunday games, more active than most and this ISNT your home zone, its sad to see NEW a player willing to play not being able to and not enjoying our low populated zone.

See, that's where you're wrong.

The 4v4 council, who will run the next season (hopefully), was made aware of this issue and two other roster issues a while ago.

"Everyone" agreed that eleven weeks is plenty of time to actually figure out whether your squad is active or not. The roster locks are there for a reason. The time when it happens and who it affects is always a hot topic, though.


The season length Rage referred to wasn't planned. Had I known we have 12 (more or less) squads, I would've either ran it as a pyramid or split leagues. The long season does give the council a bit of time to, well, work. So it all kind of works out.


It turned out this way since squads formed after the league started. Maybe I should've just not let them join the league and listen to you whine on how I keep players who want to play from playing?
Um... actually no... there was never any agreement... It was left up in the air (although it seems like a big enough of an issue to vote on). Many of the council disagreed on the topic of AR staying active, reds being given some slack, and players moving around. I never once asked for anything either, I only explained that they had 2 then they had 0 the next week, then 3 after that. I also said ReDS or other squads that are taking the place of inactive squads might get some chances to add some players to keep the league alive.


Why are you posting what the council says here anyways? And above all if you do want to post it, post the truth. That thread was just throwing out ideas and no one ever came to a conclusion.


I didn't want to reply or weigh in on this, but stop attacking my squad. We took the place of an inactive squad and so far most of our games have actually been close and not totally lopsided like every other game is basically every week. You shouldn't be personally attacking players either. If you were to punish weasel for wanting to play on another squad when he shows up and no one else does, and you let everyone else move.... well.... I'm not even sure what to say about that. Except that in reality, if the council did vote to let him move, he would be able to whether you like it or not.
I don't see why you are all worked up about this.   Caer has been following the rules the were set down.  He hasn't moved anyone illegally or when people were able to move freely he has and did move them when asked and allowed by captains of squads.  He can't just not follow the rules that were placed for the season.  And yes a lot of people on the council did say that weasel shouldn't be able to move just because of the bad circumstances.  I mean we never really voted, but we had a semi consensus that he should try to stay and get his team more motivated or wait until it folds.  and yes we'd probably move him if the council voted for him to move.  and who is bashing reds?


what caer is doing is correct.  follow the rules.  Yes, he may have a very opinionated and sarcastic comment or remark, who doesn't?  


Also, if we did move him.  We'd probably hear other people complain that caer broke the rules and moved someone when the hard roster lock was in place.  So it is a lose lose for him no matter what and by moving him it would make that squad be in a worse position then before    

Quote:I don't see why you are all worked up about this.   Caer has been following the rules the were set down.  He hasn't moved anyone illegally or when people were able to move freely he has and did move them when asked and allowed by captains of squads.  He can't just not follow the rules that were placed for the season.  And yes a lot of people on the council did say that weasel shouldn't be able to move just because of the bad circumstances.  I mean we never really voted, but we had a semi consensus that he should try to stay and get his team more motivated or wait until it folds.  and yes we'd probably move him if the council voted for him to move.  and who is bashing reds?

what caer is doing is correct.  follow the rules.  Yes, he may have a very opinionated and sarcastic comment or remark, who doesn't?  


Also, if we did move him.  We'd probably hear other people complain that caer broke the rules and moved someone when the hard roster lock was in place.  So it is a lose lose for him no matter what and by moving him it would make that squad be in a worse position then before    
I'm not worked up and I believe you should re-read the post. 


The attacking thing was from in game play, also mixed in with what he has posted in the forum. He is the league OP. He shouldn't be sarcastic or attacking players for any reason. He is no longer just a player....... I know he is your squaddie, so obviously you are going to back him up. I have nothing against Caer at all, I have always been friends with him.


Yes, the rules are the rules. If we let one move, then a floodgate of requests, directed towards Caer, would appear. It is a shitty situation, and I know it's no picnic dealing with subspace players in any capacity. 


My only point was that the post shouldn't have been made. There was no agreement, and until something is actually decided, with a vote, that what is being said on the council forum should not be posted for the public, for obvious reasons (you talk about the first few posts and the league would be up in arms... that is the whole reason for the council... to throw out ideas and make the league better, and make it easier on Caer). 
I agree with what 7th said. If the council comes to an agreement on what should be done, great. As a fairly active player I think most of you know that i'm entirely benign, I did not mean to provoke Caer.

However, given his actions, don't say he doesn't deserve the criticism. Apparently he's decided to start a personal vendetta against me... a sort of response which is definitely not ok for being league OP. From my experience as an ER in DSB, using your powers to personally hold a grudge against a player is exactly the type of action that would get you sacked.

For what it's worth at this point I have had two responses from an eMail-out, one from a player who is not rostered (had been, was kicked as inactive earlier on) who's circumstances changed and became keen when it was too late, and one from one of our stronger players who matches Weasal's attitude; that being he'll play so long as the there's no less than 4 total playing. I also noted that Mr B-Hole is on our list (dunno when that happened) and he wasn't far away last match. I asked him if he was up for playing in future and he said no guarantees unfortunately, but he also mentioned he felt he wouldn't be picked. Well, I guess, have we got news for him!


Obviously allowances have to be made in that no matter how keen, every player is going to have circumstances arise preventing their presentating every single round. But in a nutshell that's actually 4 players assuming no car crashes / 21st's / illnesses as Pryde seems on board on a weekly basis, and I'm happy to still lob* for matches. Can probably make 80% to 90% of them although by 6am/7am Monday morning I'm usually a bit worse for wear.


With any allowances for us to sneak in two or three completely new players, I could get a couple more, but generally I would understand pushing back against this as it would become "one rule for us, one for others".


I see in another thread that Gods are being spotlighted for no-showing on two consec occasions. If they are nerfed ... well ... ahem ... o/    (don't know how that stands up as an option)


* "lob" is slang over here for "turn up", but I would say both definitions apply in this case.

One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.
I don't remember attacking ReDS. Well besides stating the obvious facts about having !norating's laggy roster (in a prac with sixth, Smackdown and whoever).

And I have to point out that the council knows about this, since Weasal mentioned it in-game. Well, I don't have to, but I did. I'm a jerk like that.

The council is aware of these items - I will happily call a vote. However, the problem is we still don't have a head chair person for the council. Also, some of the council members have yet to vote or post any thoughts (I brought this up weeks ago). I don't want the job but will take it if I have to... but If I call a vote and 7/12 people vote, what the &*#@ is the point?


I'll bring it up and see what response we get...

It seems AR's council rep is awol, too. I guess I'll have to rectify that as well.

One of the three most dangerous people in Subspace.

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