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Suggestions and ideas about next season
Captor’s review of next season settings


Council - Council up for next season. DO IT NOW -  BUT: TOP players vote only. Council determinate those players. Council makes ideas and suggestions for the season. Council is formed by captains + 1-2 / team, who captains decide from their teams.

Council member can be one of those players who decide yes/no.


Ship settings changes and suggestions to current one’s:

Warbird: Remove 1 rocket. TOUCH NOTHING ELSE

Javelin: Make it maybe more special ship with 2 Mines (would be only one with 2 mines)

Shark: Add faster multifire. (Current single bullets doesn’t work enough for it to be playable enough vs rest of the ships)

With these changes, I would rank ships pretty even.


Roster Size – Over 12-14 is fine, anything lower would hurt teams badly.

Full subs – Don’t touch it. Any change at this situation where player base is low, would be bad.

iex. Burn subs – would just make teams not to sub (no playingtime for subs)

iex. Move than 1 full sub – More and more confusing subbing rules (COST GAMES TO TEAMS)

iex. Messing with items – Touching items is like sticking a needle between your finger and nail.


4 man turrets – fun for a while, BIG BUT – not fun for a lifetime. Keep it max-2, unless someone makes uber suggestion how to change it better.


Map – It’s been a while we’ve played in different arena. Best would be to play on same arena – but it’s “maybe” getting too old once in a while. Play 3 weeks on different maps suggestion sounds a plan, but who makes those maps AND when would we able to test those and practice on those? BIG PROBLEM IS THAT PLAYOFF’S NEEDS TO BE ON SAME MAP AS REGULAR SEASON MAP. Suggestions?


Roster lock – roster lock is ok the way it is I think.


Ref – Definitely needs 1-2 more people to step up ( Caer+ doesn’t get paid doing this ), or what do I know. Caer+ has done great job so far for 4 seasons now?! wow. I seriously think we need some new blood running league. Three+, is what I suggest, if he’s up to it.


Balance – Council to make players to vote on their current favorite ships. We can all say who are good in those most favorite ships. But who’s good in Shark or Javelin?


All Star Game – Make it happen. Best of 24 players (leaguetop) after the season OR best 3-4 players from each team, based on leaguetop. So it’s before the playoffs round 1.

Teams as follow: Rank #1 - Team 1, Rank #2 - Team 2, Rank #3 - Team 3, Rank #4 - Team 4, Rank #5 - Team 4, Rank #6 - Team 3 etc.

3pm ET Game # 1: Team 1 vs Team 2

3pm ET Game # 2: Team 3 vs Team 4

4pm ET Game: Winner teams from games #1 and #2.


EVENTS – Everyone can suggest idea's for new event's. I try to run those as much as I possible can. I also would need your help for configuring bot. iex. running events sucs as:10v10 or Protect the Queen or fishies.


Messages In This Thread
Suggestions and ideas about next season - Captor - 02-17-2014, 04:41 PM

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