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SVS 2003 settings this reset + more
[quote name='hallucination' timestamp='1303401292' post='274817']

I've upgraded Chaos-Bot to also adjust start bty and attach bty along with freqsize and other green settings. Probably on the generous side now, but we'll see via actual usage.

Bot will announce settings as it changes them. Feedback plz.

Reminder: if you have a slow ship as a neg, don't forget about afterburners!

Wb is identical to league. Yes most ships still have SVS CD 230 rotation, but everything else matches league. I've actually meant to try the 260 base rot as I don't think it would affect things very much, and then league players could prac with the exact same ship specs. As I said though X and AW costs are higher, and will remain so -- I think it brings diversity into play and forces the player to make more strategic decisions (i.e. leaving X and/or AW on all the time is not a strategy)



Horrific settings and you wonder why no one plays. Amazingly bad decision.

Concentrating the greens in one small area and then giving a ship with the flag a weapons upgrade is so unbalanced it's not funny. A low bounty ship has to stay in the center to get greens but there are players with high bounty and weapons upgrades there to pounce on you. If you try to get away all you do is fly into black space and have no opportunity to green your ship unless you come back into the little area with greens. I don't mind having only a few green, but they need to be spread out.

Also, the league settings suck and I really find it amazing that hallu finally bent over for the league players.I suggest you put in the 1998 SVS settings that just about everyone liked and stop trying to fiddle with things. The makers of this game knew what they were doing, and so far any sysop that has come along and tried to change things "for the better" has failed.

Messages In This Thread
SVS 2003 settings this reset + more - Ethylene! - 04-22-2011, 05:21 AM
SVS 2003 settings this reset + more - Yupa - 04-26-2011, 07:44 AM

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