03-18-2014, 03:16 PM
<div> ufotable> ok</div>
<div> ufotable> so we're at EGO?</div>
<div> Plutorus> we are...but before we start, I have to make a shoutout to McLaren</div>
<div> ufotable> wtf</div>
<div> ufotable> did he tell you who he was</div>
<div> Plutorus> not yet, I didnt ask either</div>
<div> Plutorus> McLaren - Though shall not question his lancaster!</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't know about giving him a shoutout then</div>
<div> ufotable> that's like me giving a shoutout to some dude at the gas station</div>
<div> Plutorus> True. Maybe I'll withhold the shoutout.</div>
<div> Plutorus> But you never know - first shoutouts, next sponsors</div>
<div> Plutorus> this thing could snowball</div>
<div> ufotable> hmmmmm</div>
<div> ufotable> good point</div>
<div> ufotable> ok</div>
<div> ufotable> EGO?</div>
<div> Plutorus> EGO!</div>
<div> ufotable> wait</div>
<div> ufotable> why are they spelled in lowercase</div>
<div> Plutorus> understated return? perhaps its more mature, more elegant</div>
<div> ufotable> I like it</div>
<div> ufotable> the wine sipping version</div>
<div> Plutorus> yes</div>
<div> ufotable> ok go
<div> ufotable> first thoughts?</div>
<div> Plutorus> So their ideal starting core is pretty solid</div>
<div> ufotable> bhang captor pseudo fedu?</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah</div>
<div> Plutorus> they recently added pempu</div>
<div> Plutorus> pempu played pretty well in aml finals last season</div>
<div> ufotable> Pempu naturally belongs on this squad</div>
<div> ufotable> Pempu and bhang top 5 laggy euros you don't want to gunduel?</div>
<div> Plutorus> bhang obviously top shelf material</div>
<div> Plutorus> definitely</div>
<div> ufotable> ok
who are the other 3?</div>
<div> Plutorus> storm is a vet, looked a bit inconsistent from what ive seen, but had some really nice pracs</div>
<div> ufotable> man</div>
<div> ufotable> I meant the laggy euro lineup</div>
<div> Plutorus> I don't think I've seen mystic cloud or jaakko around, leading me to think they need another pilot or 2</div>
<div> Plutorus> I probably agree with your 4</div>
<div> ufotable> I'm going with Sika, bhang, pempu, Dagger, Miner</div>
<div> ufotable> and I know Miner isn't a euro</div>
<div> ufotable> It should be called the Sika all stars</div>
<div> Plutorus> oh yea, I'm not interested in gundueling any of those guys</div>
<div> ufotable> I totally derailed this</div>
<div> ufotable> who is Mystic Cloud?</div>
<div> Plutorus> unknown</div>
<div> ufotable> That's not Cloud right?</div>
<div> Plutorus> nah, cloud would just use Cloud</div>
<div> ufotable> wait</div>
<div> ufotable> am I crazy</div>
<div> ufotable> or in Shiner's gallery was Cloud in a hawaiian shirt</div>
<div> Plutorus> let me go look</div>
<div> ufotable> lol
<div> Plutorus> this is important</div>
<div> Plutorus> http://web.archive.org/web/20011024185932/subspace.net/gallery/</div>
<div> Plutorus> no, he's got some kind of white polo thing happening</div>
<div> ufotable> damn totally missed on that one</div>
<div> ufotable> ok ok</div>
<div> ufotable> so</div>
<div> ufotable> after Pempu this team could be in trouble?</div>
<div> Plutorus> they need like perfect attendance to have even 1 sub</div>
<div> ufotable> Have you seen Jaakko in the last 8 years?</div>
<div> Plutorus> negative</div>
<div> Plutorus> ego had pilo rostered for a little while too</div>
<div> ufotable> I remember when bodyhunt was on this lineup</div>
<div> ufotable> hmmmmm</div>
<div> ufotable> so</div>
<div> ufotable> factoring in the lack of depth</div>
<div> ufotable> where do you see them ending up?</div>
<div> No banner? What's the B over there? To find out, type !help ranks or !help bonus Hit F1 to learn how to play.</div>
<div> Plutorus> ive got them in my backarrow/ego/dropships/sfe zone</div>
<div> ufotable> that's quite a range you just mentioned</div>
<div> ufotable> top 4 vs. top 4</div>
<div> ufotable> them or BA?</div>
<div> ufotable> It's like Chris Leben vs. Jon Fitch</div>
<div> Plutorus> arc is killing me on this one</div>
<div> Plutorus> if arctos is enjoying the game, BA</div>
<div> Plutorus> you?</div>
<div> ufotable> man I don't know</div>
<div> Plutorus> ok lets do it man vs man</div>
<div> Plutorus> bhang or tuna?</div>
<div> Plutorus> (putting you on the spot lol)</div>
<div> ufotable> bhang</div>
<div> Plutorus> arc vs pseudo</div>
<div> ufotable> arc</div>
<div> Plutorus> captor vs plare</div>
<div> ufotable> captor</div>
<div> Plutorus> candy vs fedu</div>
<div> ufotable> fedu</div>
<div> Plutorus> ok, you just picked EGO</div>
<div> ufotable> hmmm</div>
<div> ufotable> what do you think?</div>
<div> Plutorus> im not playing that game! lol</div>
<div> ufotable> lol wtf</div>
<div> ufotable> it's so close</div>
<div> ufotable> candy vs. fedu</div>
<div> Plutorus> it is close, agreed
<div> ufotable> captor vs. plare also a wash</div>
<div> ufotable> the depth is crucial though</div>
<div> Plutorus> what about the sub slot? Let's say pempu vs sabrewolf</div>
<div> ufotable> Jinxi over Pempu easily</div>
<div> Plutorus> man jinxi is pretty afk, I dunno</div>
<div> ufotable> I'd take him right now over pempu</div>
<div> ufotable> he's probably asleep</div>
<div> ufotable> I'd still take him</div>
<div> Plutorus> please send your complaints to ufotable@gmail.com</div>
<div> ufotable> When you've been captain of a championship level team</div>
<div> Plutorus> actually I have no idea if that is your real emial</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't think you ever lose that intellectual edge</div>
<div> ufotable> I do have a gmail account
<div> Plutorus> So I saw bona (jinxi) praccing, and was surprised. He looked very rusty. My mental image of Jinxi didnt match what I saw</div>
<div> ufotable> ok so</div>
<div> ufotable> right now</div>
<div> ufotable> your life on the line, two teams even</div>
<div> ufotable> sub coming in</div>
<div> ufotable> you'd take pempu over jinxi?</div>
<div> Plutorus> too many factors</div>
<div> Plutorus> if I just need to save a slot, probably jinxi</div>
<div> ufotable> the only factor is your vagina
<div> Plutorus> but if I need to get a kill?</div>
<div> Plutorus> TUFF</div>
<div> ufotable> bah</div>
<div> ufotable> FINE</div>
<div> ufotable> so we think pretty highly of EGO</div>
<div> Plutorus> yes</div>
<div> ufotable> any chance they can make a leap to the next class?</div>
<div> ufotable> top 4, can they challenge CM on a good day?</div>
<div> Plutorus> I dont think so</div>
<div> Plutorus> they always have a shot, but CM has some killers</div>
<div> ufotable> I could see a 9-7 game</div>
<div> Plutorus> Three, Ozn, Antihuman*, 7th (*edited real name - plut)</div>
<div> Plutorus> just so strong</div>
<div> ufotable> I fear for pseudo in that game</div>
<div> ufotable> also, for the 2 people that still didn't know Antihuman* was on CM (*moar edit - plut)</div>
<div> ufotable> you just outed him</div>
<div> Plutorus> omg</div>
<div> Plutorus> maybe I'll edit that</div>
<div> ufotable> lol</div>
<div> ufotable> alright lets move on before you get in more trouble!</div>
<div> Plutorus> good idea</div>
<div> Plutorus> Llamas Next!</div>
<div> ufotable> Llamas have changed the most of any squad over the last 5 years in my opinion</div>
<div> ufotable> from a heavy defensive minded, limiting mistakes team</div>
<div> ufotable> to a solid offensive team</div>
<div> ufotable> Only Wado and Street were on the team 5 years ago</div>
<div> ufotable> Top 4?</div>
<div> Plutorus> gosh, is cfl hungry? probably not</div>
<div> ufotable> whoa</div>
<div> ufotable> I totally missed that</div>
<div> ufotable> when did they pick up cfl?</div>
<div> Plutorus> he's back, baby! totally underrated pilot</div>
<div> ufotable> ok so</div>
<div> Plutorus> however, my top 4 today would be ghostbuster17, savage, psyanide, and hed/pp/dagger</div>
<div> ufotable> do you think</div>
<div> ufotable> because of the family connection</div>
<div> ufotable> GB and Savage have a psychic connection?</div>
<div> Plutorus> lol, my mind's eye likes to picture them sitting in the same room playing, barking coordinations and whatnot</div>
<div> ufotable> omg</div>
<div> ufotable> that would be out of control</div>
<div> Plutorus> full bunk-bed in the background</div>
<div> ufotable> except they'd have to do it with canadian accents</div>
<div> Plutorus> thats icing on the cake</div>
<div> ufotable> like, "great rep eh"</div>
<div> ufotable> ok so</div>
<div> ufotable> am I crazy or</div>
<div> ufotable> Legacy > cfl > CFK</div>
<div> ufotable> similar playstyles</div>
<div> Plutorus> hmm ur crazy</div>
<div> ufotable> nuts</div>
<div> Plutorus> I view CFK/PP/pez sort of the same</div>
<div> ufotable> oh totally disagree</div>
<div> Plutorus> they kind of swoop in from strange angles and try to pick you off</div>
<div> ufotable> ok ok we need to get back on topic</div>
<div> ufotable> I'm looking for a top 4</div>
<div> ufotable> could this team be too deep?</div>
<div> Plutorus> lots of parity, potential for playtime issues?</div>
<div> ufotable> GB, hed, twist, psy, cfl, PP, Sav, Dagger</div>
<div> ufotable> all have cases for starting</div>
<div> Plutorus> yea</div>
<div> ufotable> I'd go GB, Sav, Dagger, PP</div>
<div> Plutorus> I like it</div>
<div> ufotable> good mix of playmaking, finishing, and teamplay</div>
<div> Plutorus> dagger is really tough</div>
<div> ufotable> totally agree</div>
<div> ufotable> all underrated team?</div>
<div> Plutorus> with rage out of the picture, could he be the best spider in league?</div>
<div> ufotable> whoa</div>
<div> ufotable> you just went heavy with that one</div>
<div> ufotable> potentially yes</div>
<div> ufotable> It's past midnight and I can't mentally pull up other speiders</div>
<div> ufotable> .*spiders</div>
<div> Plutorus> barbarian</div>
<div> Plutorus> spring</div>
<div> Plutorus> uhhh</div>
<div> ufotable> MEDICUS</div>
<div> Plutorus> medicus!</div>
<div> ufotable> MEDI I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU</div>
<div> ufotable> Tuna was annoying for the 2 weeks he played spider</div>
<div> 4 players needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad1 -Izar</div>
<div> ufotable> as was Ozn</div>
<div> Plutorus> so I pracced against a very strong llamas team recently</div>
<div> ufotable> Mindriot seems to be playing spider</div>
<div> Plutorus> it was ghost, savage, psyanide, twista I believe</div>
<div> ufotable> tough lineup to beat</div>
<div> Plutorus> was VERY impressed, I think I had a decent team too</div>
<div> Plutorus> but they beat us up pretty easily</div>
<div> ufotable> Can't be understated</div>
<div> ufotable> Llamas prac a lot</div>
<div> ufotable> and it shows</div>
<div> Plutorus> oh yeah, mindriot for spider too</div>
<div> ufotable> other teams talk about teamwork and chemistry</div>
<div> ufotable> they actually have it</div>
<div> Plutorus> yea</div>
<div> Plutorus> the problem is they cant get over the hump.</div>
<div> ufotable> Do they have a true #1 to elevate them?</div>
<div> ufotable> seems we're thinking the same thing</div>
<div> Plutorus> as Ozn pointed out, maybe ghostbuster17 can push them forward?</div>
<div> Plutorus> I think its up to him</div>
<div> ufotable> The others are all 100% known quantities at this point</div>
<div> Plutorus> yea</div>
<div> ufotable> great players, but not ones that can take them to the next level</div>
<div> ufotable> GB I agree is their only hope</div>
<div> Plutorus> top they finish top 4?</div>
<div> ufotable> Where do you see them against EGO or BA?</div>
<div> Plutorus> I think llamas win</div>
<div> Plutorus> or I should say, favored</div>
<div> ufotable> even though we could agree that EGO would have the best player on the map?</div>
<div> Plutorus> yes</div>
<div> Plutorus> I'm a big tunahead fan too</div>
<div> ufotable> I was about to mention that</div>
<div> ufotable> Arc/Tuna</div>
<div> ufotable> BA would also have the best player</div>
<div> Plutorus> one nice advantage llamas have</div>
<div> Plutorus> is that they have some real duelers</div>
<div> Plutorus> savage and psyanide can both bang</div>
<div> ufotable> GB as well</div>
<div> Plutorus> yes</div>
<div> ufotable> in a 3v3 or lower man game</div>
<div> ufotable> I do not want to face them</div>
<div> Plutorus> that gives them the confidence going into a match</div>
<div> Plutorus> they arent going to fear you</div>
<div> ufotable> great point</div>
<div> ufotable> top 4 hmmm</div>
<div> ufotable> they'd need to finish above TD</div>
<div> Log file open: Part2biggie.txt</div>
<div> Plutorus> just finished this glass of wine, im ready to make this log more interesting</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't know if that's good or bad</div>
<div> Plutorus> time will tell! Ok, Outlaws?</div>
<div> ufotable> OUTLAWS</div>
<div> ufotable> you were on this team not long ago</div>
<div> ufotable> elephant in the room</div>
<div> ufotable> How active is KN?</div>
<div> ufotable> We also need to settle OUTLAWS vs. CM</div>
<div> Plutorus> Prior to Part 1 of this chat log, KN was a bit MIA</div>
<div> Plutorus> since then, I've seen him around, resulting in me changing my rankings a bit
<div> ufotable> lol</div>
<div> ufotable> I see that our rankings are super thoughtful</div>
<div> No banner? What's the B over there? To find out, type !help ranks or !help bonus Hit F1 to learn how to play.</div>
<div> Plutorus> lol yes</div>
<div> ufotable> based on weeks/months/years of analysis</div>
<div> ufotable> and couldn't be swayed by 2 days of sample size</div>
<div> ufotable> and seeing a guy fly around</div>
<div> ufotable> excellent</div>
<div> Plutorus> So we just had preseason week 3 games</div>
<div> Plutorus> and Assassins seemed to need a non-team sub</div>
<div> Plutorus> to field 4? According to the logs anyway, I wasn't able to watch that match</div>
<div> ufotable> Assassins are like the Heat at this point</div>
<div> ufotable> why show up for regular season</div>
<div> ufotable> much less preseason</div>
<div> ufotable> they should draw straws to decide which 3 have to show for games in the regular season</div>
<div> ufotable> wait</div>
<div> Plutorus> I've taken a closer look at Outlaws</div>
<div> ufotable> wait</div>
<div> Plutorus> waiting</div>
<div> ufotable> seriously?!</div>
<div> ufotable> you're going there?</div>
<div> Plutorus> who? what? where?</div>
<div> ufotable> I thought your entire Assassins showing 3 thing</div>
<div> ufotable> was setting up for you saying that your completely arbitrary rankings now had OUTLAWS at #1</div>
<div> Plutorus> YES ITS TRUE</div>
<div> ufotable> OMG</div>
<div> ufotable> so</div>
<div> Plutorus> OUTLAWS #1!!!! They are now perched at the top of my rankings. </div>
<div> ufotable> based on one preseason game</div>
<div> ufotable> and seeing KN at the 7-11</div>
<div> ufotable> you now have moved OUTLAWS from #3 to #1</div>
<div> Plutorus> ufo, sometimes these things need to simmer until fully cooked</div>
<div> Plutorus> ive got this figured out now</div>
<div> ufotable> you know</div>
<div> ufotable> aren't you vegan?</div>
<div> ufotable> If you simmer vegetables too long</div>
<div> ufotable> they just get soggy</div>
<div> ufotable> FINE</div>
<div> Plutorus> SO</div>
<div> ufotable> Outlaws now #1 per Plut</div>
<div> ufotable> I think they're my #2 team</div>
<div> Plutorus> I've now got Outlaws 1, Assassins 2, CM 3</div>
<div> Plutorus> then llamas</div>
<div> ufotable> TD</div>
<div> ufotable> please direct green messages to Plutorus</div>
<div> ufotable> he also thinks your girlfriends are ugly</div>
<div> Plutorus> xoxo TD, you are The Darkhorse indeed at #5</div>
<div> Plutorus> nadai is one of my fav players</div>
<div> ufotable> WAit</div>
<div> ufotable> we'll get to them</div>
<div> ufotable> OUTLAWS</div>
<div> ufotable> top 4?</div>
<div> ufotable> KN Bike and?</div>
<div> Plutorus> so outlaws added chronos, enforcer, krellin (is back), nine, danks</div>
<div> ufotable> so is chrono on outlaws or TD</div>
<div> Plutorus> dunno, he's on both rosters currently</div>
<div> ufotable> They lost 7th</div>
<div> ufotable> and Devious</div>
<div> Plutorus> my top 4 is bike, kn, legacy, krellin</div>
<div> ufotable> lets say, for sake of argument</div>
<div> ufotable> they do have rusty chrono</div>
<div> ufotable> stronger this season than last season?</div>
<div> Plutorus> but their bench is super strong regardless of lineup...</div>
<div> Plutorus> id say stronger, yes</div>
<div> Plutorus> what do you think?</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't see enf and chrono enough</div>
<div> ufotable> and 7th pracs every day</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't know if they added another starter necessarily</div>
<div> ufotable> but they certainly lost one</div>
<div> ufotable> If 7th is still on the team, isn't he the 4th over krellin in the top 4 you just listed?</div>
<div> Plutorus> they didnt have krellin last season. and suicidal pracs aside, he can play</div>
<div> Plutorus> dunno, I love the way krellin plays</div>
<div> ufotable> dude</div>
<div> ufotable> you've had too many big macs</div>
<div> Plutorus> haha</div>
<div> Plutorus> veggie macs maybe!</div>
<div> ufotable> that sounds disgusting</div>
<div> ufotable> that would be like 3 buns</div>
<div> ufotable> and beans</div>
<div> Plutorus> lol, slightly anecdotal, I once went through a burger king drive through, and there was a veggie big mac that my friend ordered</div>
<div> ufotable> Burger King doesn't have big macs
<div> ufotable> are you actually american?</div>
<div> Plutorus> it ended up being a regular big mac, minus the meat. just buns, ketchup, onions, pickles lol</div>
<div> Plutorus> YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN</div>
<div> ufotable> FINE</div>
<div> Plutorus> im not a fast food expert</div>
<div> Plutorus> Port Llast?</div>
<div> ufotable> wait</div>
<div> ufotable> LOL</div>
<div> ufotable> was that your entire story?</div>
<div> Plutorus> ye</div>
<div> ufotable> oh man</div>
<div> Plutorus> and btw, I only tell AMAZING stories</div>
<div> ufotable> clearly</div>
<div> ufotable> I give up</div>
<div> ufotable> last thing on OUTLAWS</div>
<div> ufotable> I really like Leg when he's pushing</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't like him as much when he needs to go backwards</div>
<div> Plutorus> thats a great point, he's far less effective in reverse, agree</div>
<div> ufotable> against Assassins, I think that really hurt them in the championship</div>
<div> ufotable> and I wonder how that will go this season</div>
<div> Plutorus> I cant argue</div>
<div> ufotable> against all be Assassins</div>
<div> ufotable> they'd be even odds at least to be mostly forward arrowing</div>
<div> ufotable> (All this is assuming KN is active, if not, all bets are off)</div>
<div> ufotable> but lets say they meet Assassins in the finals</div>
<div> ufotable> Do you still start KN, Bike, Leg, and Krel?</div>
<div> Plutorus> vs nacre, saiyan, develop and mop?</div>
<div> ufotable> yes</div>
<div> Plutorus> I'd have to think about it. Mop is a different player than three</div>
<div> Plutorus> damage would be reduced in that slot pretty significantly</div>
<div> Plutorus> good question</div>
<div> ufotable> What bout Sika or kdak in Mops slot?</div>
<div> ufotable> I guess my point is, I don't know - I'd probably go with a lineup of KN, Bike, Enf, and Barb</div>
<div> ufotable> just something to think about... what if they establish chemistry all season with a certain 4/5</div>
<div> ufotable> and have to change tactics in the finals/semis</div>
<div> ufotable> of course they're deep enough to do it</div>
<div> ufotable> but that elite teamwork that is their great advantage could be hurt in the process</div>
<div> ufotable> ready to move on?</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah, I think that covers outlaws, great team</div>
<div> Plutorus> oh wait</div>
<div> ufotable> agreed, amazing team</div>
<div> Plutorus> I just want to mention hibachi. He has been afk lately, but I think a good captain is very important to a squad, and he's a good captain. Hi hibachi!</div>
<div> ufotable> wtf</div>
<div> ufotable> we're not getting paid for this yet</div>
<div> Plutorus> was that a shoutout?</div>
<div> ufotable> or if you're getting paid</div>
<div> ufotable> you're not sharing</div>
<div> ufotable> Port Llast?</div>
<div> Plutorus> Port Llast!</div>
<div> ufotable> YEAH</div>
<div> ufotable> I can't help but notice immediately</div>
<div> ufotable> that this team was much stronger last season</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah, they lost a handful of key players</div>
<div> Plutorus> this squad has a different look and feel, and I do wish them the best</div>
<div> ufotable> A good thing is that almost everyone is active</div>
<div> ufotable> and practices regularly</div>
<div> ufotable> Seriel has improved greatly as a player over the last season+</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah seriel can be dangerous, and he's another guy I wouldnt want to gunduel</div>
<div> ufotable> My top 4 would be Seriel, HG, THC, and Tweeg</div>
<div> ufotable> with Gutter and Mega as first and second sub</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah, totally agree</div>
<div> ufotable> beyond weird that HG is on this roster</div>
<div> ufotable> did he get lost on the way to the bar?</div>
<div> Plutorus> High Gain really is a legend of the league. He isn't in top form at the moment, but he's a key factor in how far Port Llast can go this season</div>
<div> ufotable> could not agree more</div>
<div> ufotable> their chances of elevation rest with him</div>
<div> Plutorus> yep</div>
<div> Plutorus> the loss of pempu definitely hurts</div>
<div> ufotable> This roster could do with more of his X-factor kind of crazy</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah</div>
<div> ufotable> also</div>
<div> ufotable> shout out to Ninespike</div>
<div> ufotable> new player in league</div>
<div> Plutorus> NINESPIKE!</div>
<div> ufotable> I hope he sticks with it</div>
<div> Plutorus> me too, he's fun to have around</div>
<div> Plutorus> if obesity can regain his old form, he could be a factor too</div>
<div> Plutorus> but right now he looks pretty rusty, I think he'd admit</div>
<div> ufotable> Obe was a mainstay of secret for a long time</div>
<div> ufotable> sorry</div>
<div> ufotable> Nightwatch</div>
<div> ufotable> I always thought he was solid</div>
<div> ufotable> but the rust is palpable at this point</div>
<div> Plutorus> he was on skyrakers too back in the day. Obe was one of the first people I really looked up to, during my nascent days in Chaos</div>
<div> ufotable> Storytime with Plutorus</div>
<div> Plutorus> see, more AMAZING stories lol</div>
<div> ufotable> at least that one wasn't a cliff hanger</div>
<div> ufotable> I'm still waiting to find out what happened after your friend ordered the vege big mac</div>
<div> ufotable> OK</div>
<div> ufotable> so where do you think they finish?</div>
<div> Plutorus> Does Port Llast have a chance at repeating as AML champs?</div>
<div> No banner? What's the B over there? To find out, type !help ranks or !help bonus Hit F1 to learn how to play.</div>
<div> ufotable> If HG regains form they have a chance</div>
<div> Plutorus> no pressure HG!</div>
<div> Plutorus> Ok, SFE?</div>
<div> ufotable> SFE!</div>
<div> ufotable> I'll be quiet for this one</div>
<div> Plutorus> So correct me if I'm wrong, but SFE is possibly the oldest active league squad?</div>
<div> Plutorus> Solar Hydro really needs to be commended for the job he's done, year after year with Starfire Elite</div>
<div> 1 player needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad1 -Izar</div>
<div> Plutorus> imo, their current lineup is one of their best</div>
<div> Plutorus> Shikaa, ufotable, and Something Dutch are a great threesome</div>
<div> ufotable> SFE has been around since '97</div>
<div> ufotable> continuously</div>
<div> Plutorus> Amazing
<div> Plutorus> My problem with SFE, and their recruiting agents, is that they were unable to add a 4th great starter to the squad, to really push them forward</div>
<div> Plutorus> When I look at the rest of the lineup, I don't see the 4th puzzle piece that would transform SFE into a *really* dangerous squad.</div>
<div> Plutorus> That being said, its a great group of the nicest people in subspace. </div>
<div> Plutorus> koach is a nice addition, I think he's a very nice prospect</div>
<div> Plutorus> medicus is probably my choice for the 4th starting slot, but he seems fairly afk</div>
<div> ufotable> unfortunately, I thought we were Erating champs</div>
<div> ufotable> but Nude for Satan has a lower erating than Solar
<div> Plutorus> hehe</div>
<div> Plutorus> mfa often gets starts or important subs, but he doesn't prac much anymore</div>
<div> Plutorus> shikaa is one of my fav pilots, extremely solid play, and could probably play for any team he wanted</div>
<div> Plutorus> ufotable a cornerstone of this squad, a very solid pilot that uses a very cerebral style of play to outwit his opponents. Always solid teamwork and positioning</div>
<div> ufotable> YES</div>
<div> ufotable> I feel so good about myslf</div>
<div> ufotable> .*myself even</div>
<div> Plutorus> something dutch can be a force. He really hassled me in the AML final game last season, peppering me with emps all match long. Can overextend a bit sometimes, but overall a solid pilot that can hurt you</div>
<div> Plutorus> Allow myself to introduce...myself. I'm Austin Powers.</div>
<div> ufotable> wha</div>
<div> ufotable> where did that even come from</div>
<div> ufotable> I'm so confused</div>
<div> Plutorus> SFE is a team I root for, and I think they can hang at a very high level; just wish they could add or groom that 4th starter so we could see them reach their full potential</div>
<div> Plutorus> The Dark?</div>
<div> ufotable> yes I can tag back in!</div>
<div> ufotable> TD</div>
<div> ufotable> TD, Plut may not like or respect you</div>
<div> ufotable> but I do!</div>
<div> Plutorus> lies, I love TD!</div>
<div> ufotable> Who is YELLOW HAMMER?</div>
<div> Plutorus> Everyone says its Jocker - I don't think so myself</div>
<div> ufotable> JOCKER is also on roster</div>
<div> ufotable> also</div>
<div> ufotable> Nebug = Benji?</div>
<div> Plutorus> think so</div>
<div> ufotable> Any idea who swamp is?</div>
<div> Plutorus> no, but swamp is good. Havent seen him in a long time though, unless he's aliased</div>
<div> ufotable> I agree</div>
<div> ufotable> swamp can play</div>
<div> ufotable> readers probably know who all these guys are</div>
<div> ufotable> and we're just too uncool</div>
<div> Plutorus> hah yea</div>
<div> Plutorus> top 4?</div>
<div> ufotable> everyone active, my top 4 would be chrono, blink, nadai, 9-Volt</div>
<div> Plutorus> thats a solid lineup</div>
<div> Plutorus> no monkk?</div>
<div> Plutorus> or jocker?</div>
<div> ufotable> more realistically, it's probably blink, nadai, Benji, Monkk/JOCKER</div>
<div> ufotable> what do you think?</div>
<div> Plutorus> they added someone named EAT LEAD LAMER on Sunday</div>
<div> ufotable> clearly a new player from chaos</div>
<div> Plutorus> hehe</div>
<div> Plutorus> we should start a rumor</div>
<div> Plutorus> isn't that Dacrath?</div>
<div> ufotable> I like how you prefaced that with "we should start a rumor"</div>
<div> ufotable> Dacrath is a good guess though</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah, flys just like him</div>
<div> ufotable> EAT LEAD LAMER is exactly the type of handle that fits his personality</div>
<div> Plutorus> I think its him.</div>
<div> ufotable> Dacrath really swings the balance of power</div>
<div> ufotable> especially if he abuses his 10 year old powers</div>
<div> ufotable> top to bottom, they have a lot of strong talent</div>
<div> ufotable> Nadai, blink, 9-volt, monkk, hammer, Miner (hanging out with his 20 maid harem), JOCKER, chrono, swamp, benji, dozz, dacrath, foul, Kane</div>
<div> ufotable> everyone can play</div>
<div> Plutorus> yes</div>
<div> Plutorus> no weak links</div>
<div> Plutorus> except inactivity</div>
<div> Plutorus> where is monkk lately?</div>
<div> ufotable> Didn't 3 go on a drunken rampage against Monkk?</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah, monkk came back for that verbal duel, then left again</div>
<div> ufotable> either way</div>
<div> ufotable> I blame Dacrath</div>
<div> Plutorus> clearly</div>
<div> ufotable> so who do you think for top 4?</div>
<div> ufotable> realistically</div>
<div> ufotable> out of guys who will play actively this season</div>
<div> Plutorus> ok, monkk seems inactive and I think chronos is probably outlaws</div>
<div> Plutorus> and jocker is afk</div>
<div> Plutorus> or aliased</div>
<div> Plutorus> ill take nadai, blink, 9volt, benji</div>
<div> Plutorus> they have a ton of questions though</div>
<div> ufotable> When was the last time 9volt played in a league game?</div>
<div> Plutorus> this roster just confuses me</div>
<div> Plutorus> I think 9v played a playoff game for TD last season?</div>
<div> ufotable> I agree</div>
<div> ufotable> confusing roster</div>
<div> Plutorus> potentially could be VERY dangerous</div>
<div> ufotable> They could be contenders</div>
<div> Plutorus> but in a worst case scenario, I could see them having trouble fielding 4 too</div>
<div> ufotable> or the #5 seed</div>
<div> ufotable> Any chance they drop below 5?</div>
<div> Plutorus> imo only due to inactivity</div>
<div> ufotable> yeah I have to agree</div>
<div> ufotable> bhang, captor, fedu, pseudo</div>
<div> Plutorus> I hope Mog joins them
<div> ufotable> against nadai, blink, 9, benji</div>
<div> ufotable> clear edge to TD</div>
<div> 1 player needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad1 -GhostBuster17</div>
<div> Plutorus> think so</div>
<div> ufotable> lol</div>
<div> No banner? What's the B over there? To find out, type !help ranks or !help bonus Hit F1 to learn how to play.</div>
<div> ufotable> If Mog joins them</div>
<div> ufotable> that just makes them more puzzling</div>
<div> ufotable> or rather</div>
<div> Plutorus> haha totally</div>
<div> ufotable> adds another inactive</div>
<div> Plutorus> they need POWER</div>
<div> ufotable> POWER</div>
<div> Plutorus> POWER</div>
<div> ufotable> seriously</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't think that's his only name</div>
<div> ufotable> also</div>
<div> Plutorus> I'm fading quick, my wine has worn off</div>
<div> ufotable> How is it 1.22AM</div>
<div> Plutorus> lol I know</div>
<div> ufotable> who's idea was this?</div>
<div> ufotable> oh man</div>
<div> ufotable> ok</div>
<div> Plutorus> Ok, any last thoughts on The Dark or this log before we wrap it up?</div>
<div> ufotable> Lets wrap up</div>
<div> ufotable> We'll be back to do playoff predicts later this season?</div>
<div> ufotable> do you want to pick a champ right now and one later?</div>
<div> Plutorus> Sure</div>
<div> ufotable> I'm going with Assassins</div>
<div> Plutorus> I'll take outlaws</div>
<div> ufotable> ok we'll go out on this</div>
<div> ufotable> every season, one or more players change squads before roster lock</div>
<div> ufotable> and potentially swing the title</div>
<div> ufotable> we saw it last season</div>
<div> Plutorus> definitely</div>
<div> ufotable> who do you think could be that guy this season?</div>
<div> Plutorus> again, I look at the nacre/saiyan combo</div>
<div> ufotable> which squad do you think they'd end up on?</div>
<div> Plutorus> if they have any issues fielding 4 each week, I could see them saying goodbye again</div>
<div> Plutorus> CM?</div>
<div> ufotable> I agree</div>
<div> ufotable> and CM is my pick too</div>
<div> ufotable> with TD as a distant second</div>
<div> Plutorus> yep, that was my other thought</div>
<div> ufotable> EAT LEAD LAMER is my pick</div>
<div> Plutorus> Hey, its hard to pick against Dacrath.</div>
<div> ufotable> to swing the title for Assassins</div>
<div> ufotable> ok, we're done
<div> ufotable> good times</div>
<div> </div>
<div> ufotable> so we're at EGO?</div>
<div> Plutorus> we are...but before we start, I have to make a shoutout to McLaren</div>
<div> ufotable> wtf</div>
<div> ufotable> did he tell you who he was</div>
<div> Plutorus> not yet, I didnt ask either</div>
<div> Plutorus> McLaren - Though shall not question his lancaster!</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't know about giving him a shoutout then</div>
<div> ufotable> that's like me giving a shoutout to some dude at the gas station</div>
<div> Plutorus> True. Maybe I'll withhold the shoutout.</div>
<div> Plutorus> But you never know - first shoutouts, next sponsors</div>
<div> Plutorus> this thing could snowball</div>
<div> ufotable> hmmmmm</div>
<div> ufotable> good point</div>
<div> ufotable> ok</div>
<div> ufotable> EGO?</div>
<div> Plutorus> EGO!</div>
<div> ufotable> wait</div>
<div> ufotable> why are they spelled in lowercase</div>
<div> Plutorus> understated return? perhaps its more mature, more elegant</div>
<div> ufotable> I like it</div>
<div> ufotable> the wine sipping version</div>
<div> Plutorus> yes</div>
<div> ufotable> ok go

<div> ufotable> first thoughts?</div>
<div> Plutorus> So their ideal starting core is pretty solid</div>
<div> ufotable> bhang captor pseudo fedu?</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah</div>
<div> Plutorus> they recently added pempu</div>
<div> Plutorus> pempu played pretty well in aml finals last season</div>
<div> ufotable> Pempu naturally belongs on this squad</div>
<div> ufotable> Pempu and bhang top 5 laggy euros you don't want to gunduel?</div>
<div> Plutorus> bhang obviously top shelf material</div>
<div> Plutorus> definitely</div>
<div> ufotable> ok

<div> Plutorus> storm is a vet, looked a bit inconsistent from what ive seen, but had some really nice pracs</div>
<div> ufotable> man</div>
<div> ufotable> I meant the laggy euro lineup</div>
<div> Plutorus> I don't think I've seen mystic cloud or jaakko around, leading me to think they need another pilot or 2</div>
<div> Plutorus> I probably agree with your 4</div>
<div> ufotable> I'm going with Sika, bhang, pempu, Dagger, Miner</div>
<div> ufotable> and I know Miner isn't a euro</div>
<div> ufotable> It should be called the Sika all stars</div>
<div> Plutorus> oh yea, I'm not interested in gundueling any of those guys</div>
<div> ufotable> I totally derailed this</div>
<div> ufotable> who is Mystic Cloud?</div>
<div> Plutorus> unknown</div>
<div> ufotable> That's not Cloud right?</div>
<div> Plutorus> nah, cloud would just use Cloud</div>
<div> ufotable> wait</div>
<div> ufotable> am I crazy</div>
<div> ufotable> or in Shiner's gallery was Cloud in a hawaiian shirt</div>
<div> Plutorus> let me go look</div>
<div> ufotable> lol

<div> Plutorus> this is important</div>
<div> Plutorus> http://web.archive.org/web/20011024185932/subspace.net/gallery/</div>
<div> Plutorus> no, he's got some kind of white polo thing happening</div>
<div> ufotable> damn totally missed on that one</div>
<div> ufotable> ok ok</div>
<div> ufotable> so</div>
<div> ufotable> after Pempu this team could be in trouble?</div>
<div> Plutorus> they need like perfect attendance to have even 1 sub</div>
<div> ufotable> Have you seen Jaakko in the last 8 years?</div>
<div> Plutorus> negative</div>
<div> Plutorus> ego had pilo rostered for a little while too</div>
<div> ufotable> I remember when bodyhunt was on this lineup</div>
<div> ufotable> hmmmmm</div>
<div> ufotable> so</div>
<div> ufotable> factoring in the lack of depth</div>
<div> ufotable> where do you see them ending up?</div>
<div> No banner? What's the B over there? To find out, type !help ranks or !help bonus Hit F1 to learn how to play.</div>
<div> Plutorus> ive got them in my backarrow/ego/dropships/sfe zone</div>
<div> ufotable> that's quite a range you just mentioned</div>
<div> ufotable> top 4 vs. top 4</div>
<div> ufotable> them or BA?</div>
<div> ufotable> It's like Chris Leben vs. Jon Fitch</div>
<div> Plutorus> arc is killing me on this one</div>
<div> Plutorus> if arctos is enjoying the game, BA</div>
<div> Plutorus> you?</div>
<div> ufotable> man I don't know</div>
<div> Plutorus> ok lets do it man vs man</div>
<div> Plutorus> bhang or tuna?</div>
<div> Plutorus> (putting you on the spot lol)</div>
<div> ufotable> bhang</div>
<div> Plutorus> arc vs pseudo</div>
<div> ufotable> arc</div>
<div> Plutorus> captor vs plare</div>
<div> ufotable> captor</div>
<div> Plutorus> candy vs fedu</div>
<div> ufotable> fedu</div>
<div> Plutorus> ok, you just picked EGO</div>
<div> ufotable> hmmm</div>
<div> ufotable> what do you think?</div>
<div> Plutorus> im not playing that game! lol</div>
<div> ufotable> lol wtf</div>
<div> ufotable> it's so close</div>
<div> ufotable> candy vs. fedu</div>
<div> Plutorus> it is close, agreed

<div> ufotable> captor vs. plare also a wash</div>
<div> ufotable> the depth is crucial though</div>
<div> Plutorus> what about the sub slot? Let's say pempu vs sabrewolf</div>
<div> ufotable> Jinxi over Pempu easily</div>
<div> Plutorus> man jinxi is pretty afk, I dunno</div>
<div> ufotable> I'd take him right now over pempu</div>
<div> ufotable> he's probably asleep</div>
<div> ufotable> I'd still take him</div>
<div> Plutorus> please send your complaints to ufotable@gmail.com</div>
<div> ufotable> When you've been captain of a championship level team</div>
<div> Plutorus> actually I have no idea if that is your real emial</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't think you ever lose that intellectual edge</div>
<div> ufotable> I do have a gmail account

<div> Plutorus> So I saw bona (jinxi) praccing, and was surprised. He looked very rusty. My mental image of Jinxi didnt match what I saw</div>
<div> ufotable> ok so</div>
<div> ufotable> right now</div>
<div> ufotable> your life on the line, two teams even</div>
<div> ufotable> sub coming in</div>
<div> ufotable> you'd take pempu over jinxi?</div>
<div> Plutorus> too many factors</div>
<div> Plutorus> if I just need to save a slot, probably jinxi</div>
<div> ufotable> the only factor is your vagina

<div> Plutorus> but if I need to get a kill?</div>
<div> Plutorus> TUFF</div>
<div> ufotable> bah</div>
<div> ufotable> FINE</div>
<div> ufotable> so we think pretty highly of EGO</div>
<div> Plutorus> yes</div>
<div> ufotable> any chance they can make a leap to the next class?</div>
<div> ufotable> top 4, can they challenge CM on a good day?</div>
<div> Plutorus> I dont think so</div>
<div> Plutorus> they always have a shot, but CM has some killers</div>
<div> ufotable> I could see a 9-7 game</div>
<div> Plutorus> Three, Ozn, Antihuman*, 7th (*edited real name - plut)</div>
<div> Plutorus> just so strong</div>
<div> ufotable> I fear for pseudo in that game</div>
<div> ufotable> also, for the 2 people that still didn't know Antihuman* was on CM (*moar edit - plut)</div>
<div> ufotable> you just outed him</div>
<div> Plutorus> omg</div>
<div> Plutorus> maybe I'll edit that</div>
<div> ufotable> lol</div>
<div> ufotable> alright lets move on before you get in more trouble!</div>
<div> Plutorus> good idea</div>
<div> Plutorus> Llamas Next!</div>
<div> ufotable> Llamas have changed the most of any squad over the last 5 years in my opinion</div>
<div> ufotable> from a heavy defensive minded, limiting mistakes team</div>
<div> ufotable> to a solid offensive team</div>
<div> ufotable> Only Wado and Street were on the team 5 years ago</div>
<div> ufotable> Top 4?</div>
<div> Plutorus> gosh, is cfl hungry? probably not</div>
<div> ufotable> whoa</div>
<div> ufotable> I totally missed that</div>
<div> ufotable> when did they pick up cfl?</div>
<div> Plutorus> he's back, baby! totally underrated pilot</div>
<div> ufotable> ok so</div>
<div> Plutorus> however, my top 4 today would be ghostbuster17, savage, psyanide, and hed/pp/dagger</div>
<div> ufotable> do you think</div>
<div> ufotable> because of the family connection</div>
<div> ufotable> GB and Savage have a psychic connection?</div>
<div> Plutorus> lol, my mind's eye likes to picture them sitting in the same room playing, barking coordinations and whatnot</div>
<div> ufotable> omg</div>
<div> ufotable> that would be out of control</div>
<div> Plutorus> full bunk-bed in the background</div>
<div> ufotable> except they'd have to do it with canadian accents</div>
<div> Plutorus> thats icing on the cake</div>
<div> ufotable> like, "great rep eh"</div>
<div> ufotable> ok so</div>
<div> ufotable> am I crazy or</div>
<div> ufotable> Legacy > cfl > CFK</div>
<div> ufotable> similar playstyles</div>
<div> Plutorus> hmm ur crazy</div>
<div> ufotable> nuts</div>
<div> Plutorus> I view CFK/PP/pez sort of the same</div>
<div> ufotable> oh totally disagree</div>
<div> Plutorus> they kind of swoop in from strange angles and try to pick you off</div>
<div> ufotable> ok ok we need to get back on topic</div>
<div> ufotable> I'm looking for a top 4</div>
<div> ufotable> could this team be too deep?</div>
<div> Plutorus> lots of parity, potential for playtime issues?</div>
<div> ufotable> GB, hed, twist, psy, cfl, PP, Sav, Dagger</div>
<div> ufotable> all have cases for starting</div>
<div> Plutorus> yea</div>
<div> ufotable> I'd go GB, Sav, Dagger, PP</div>
<div> Plutorus> I like it</div>
<div> ufotable> good mix of playmaking, finishing, and teamplay</div>
<div> Plutorus> dagger is really tough</div>
<div> ufotable> totally agree</div>
<div> ufotable> all underrated team?</div>
<div> Plutorus> with rage out of the picture, could he be the best spider in league?</div>
<div> ufotable> whoa</div>
<div> ufotable> you just went heavy with that one</div>
<div> ufotable> potentially yes</div>
<div> ufotable> It's past midnight and I can't mentally pull up other speiders</div>
<div> ufotable> .*spiders</div>
<div> Plutorus> barbarian</div>
<div> Plutorus> spring</div>
<div> Plutorus> uhhh</div>
<div> ufotable> MEDICUS</div>
<div> Plutorus> medicus!</div>
<div> ufotable> MEDI I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU</div>
<div> ufotable> Tuna was annoying for the 2 weeks he played spider</div>
<div> 4 players needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad1 -Izar</div>
<div> ufotable> as was Ozn</div>
<div> Plutorus> so I pracced against a very strong llamas team recently</div>
<div> ufotable> Mindriot seems to be playing spider</div>
<div> Plutorus> it was ghost, savage, psyanide, twista I believe</div>
<div> ufotable> tough lineup to beat</div>
<div> Plutorus> was VERY impressed, I think I had a decent team too</div>
<div> Plutorus> but they beat us up pretty easily</div>
<div> ufotable> Can't be understated</div>
<div> ufotable> Llamas prac a lot</div>
<div> ufotable> and it shows</div>
<div> Plutorus> oh yeah, mindriot for spider too</div>
<div> ufotable> other teams talk about teamwork and chemistry</div>
<div> ufotable> they actually have it</div>
<div> Plutorus> yea</div>
<div> Plutorus> the problem is they cant get over the hump.</div>
<div> ufotable> Do they have a true #1 to elevate them?</div>
<div> ufotable> seems we're thinking the same thing</div>
<div> Plutorus> as Ozn pointed out, maybe ghostbuster17 can push them forward?</div>
<div> Plutorus> I think its up to him</div>
<div> ufotable> The others are all 100% known quantities at this point</div>
<div> Plutorus> yea</div>
<div> ufotable> great players, but not ones that can take them to the next level</div>
<div> ufotable> GB I agree is their only hope</div>
<div> Plutorus> top they finish top 4?</div>
<div> ufotable> Where do you see them against EGO or BA?</div>
<div> Plutorus> I think llamas win</div>
<div> Plutorus> or I should say, favored</div>
<div> ufotable> even though we could agree that EGO would have the best player on the map?</div>
<div> Plutorus> yes</div>
<div> Plutorus> I'm a big tunahead fan too</div>
<div> ufotable> I was about to mention that</div>
<div> ufotable> Arc/Tuna</div>
<div> ufotable> BA would also have the best player</div>
<div> Plutorus> one nice advantage llamas have</div>
<div> Plutorus> is that they have some real duelers</div>
<div> Plutorus> savage and psyanide can both bang</div>
<div> ufotable> GB as well</div>
<div> Plutorus> yes</div>
<div> ufotable> in a 3v3 or lower man game</div>
<div> ufotable> I do not want to face them</div>
<div> Plutorus> that gives them the confidence going into a match</div>
<div> Plutorus> they arent going to fear you</div>
<div> ufotable> great point</div>
<div> ufotable> top 4 hmmm</div>
<div> ufotable> they'd need to finish above TD</div>
<div> Log file open: Part2biggie.txt</div>
<div> Plutorus> just finished this glass of wine, im ready to make this log more interesting</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't know if that's good or bad</div>
<div> Plutorus> time will tell! Ok, Outlaws?</div>
<div> ufotable> OUTLAWS</div>
<div> ufotable> you were on this team not long ago</div>
<div> ufotable> elephant in the room</div>
<div> ufotable> How active is KN?</div>
<div> ufotable> We also need to settle OUTLAWS vs. CM</div>
<div> Plutorus> Prior to Part 1 of this chat log, KN was a bit MIA</div>
<div> Plutorus> since then, I've seen him around, resulting in me changing my rankings a bit

<div> ufotable> lol</div>
<div> ufotable> I see that our rankings are super thoughtful</div>
<div> No banner? What's the B over there? To find out, type !help ranks or !help bonus Hit F1 to learn how to play.</div>
<div> Plutorus> lol yes</div>
<div> ufotable> based on weeks/months/years of analysis</div>
<div> ufotable> and couldn't be swayed by 2 days of sample size</div>
<div> ufotable> and seeing a guy fly around</div>
<div> ufotable> excellent</div>
<div> Plutorus> So we just had preseason week 3 games</div>
<div> Plutorus> and Assassins seemed to need a non-team sub</div>
<div> Plutorus> to field 4? According to the logs anyway, I wasn't able to watch that match</div>
<div> ufotable> Assassins are like the Heat at this point</div>
<div> ufotable> why show up for regular season</div>
<div> ufotable> much less preseason</div>
<div> ufotable> they should draw straws to decide which 3 have to show for games in the regular season</div>
<div> ufotable> wait</div>
<div> Plutorus> I've taken a closer look at Outlaws</div>
<div> ufotable> wait</div>
<div> Plutorus> waiting</div>
<div> ufotable> seriously?!</div>
<div> ufotable> you're going there?</div>
<div> Plutorus> who? what? where?</div>
<div> ufotable> I thought your entire Assassins showing 3 thing</div>
<div> ufotable> was setting up for you saying that your completely arbitrary rankings now had OUTLAWS at #1</div>
<div> Plutorus> YES ITS TRUE</div>
<div> ufotable> OMG</div>
<div> ufotable> so</div>
<div> Plutorus> OUTLAWS #1!!!! They are now perched at the top of my rankings. </div>
<div> ufotable> based on one preseason game</div>
<div> ufotable> and seeing KN at the 7-11</div>
<div> ufotable> you now have moved OUTLAWS from #3 to #1</div>
<div> Plutorus> ufo, sometimes these things need to simmer until fully cooked</div>
<div> Plutorus> ive got this figured out now</div>
<div> ufotable> you know</div>
<div> ufotable> aren't you vegan?</div>
<div> ufotable> If you simmer vegetables too long</div>
<div> ufotable> they just get soggy</div>
<div> ufotable> FINE</div>
<div> Plutorus> SO</div>
<div> ufotable> Outlaws now #1 per Plut</div>
<div> ufotable> I think they're my #2 team</div>
<div> Plutorus> I've now got Outlaws 1, Assassins 2, CM 3</div>
<div> Plutorus> then llamas</div>
<div> ufotable> TD</div>
<div> ufotable> please direct green messages to Plutorus</div>
<div> ufotable> he also thinks your girlfriends are ugly</div>
<div> Plutorus> xoxo TD, you are The Darkhorse indeed at #5</div>
<div> Plutorus> nadai is one of my fav players</div>
<div> ufotable> WAit</div>
<div> ufotable> we'll get to them</div>
<div> ufotable> OUTLAWS</div>
<div> ufotable> top 4?</div>
<div> ufotable> KN Bike and?</div>
<div> Plutorus> so outlaws added chronos, enforcer, krellin (is back), nine, danks</div>
<div> ufotable> so is chrono on outlaws or TD</div>
<div> Plutorus> dunno, he's on both rosters currently</div>
<div> ufotable> They lost 7th</div>
<div> ufotable> and Devious</div>
<div> Plutorus> my top 4 is bike, kn, legacy, krellin</div>
<div> ufotable> lets say, for sake of argument</div>
<div> ufotable> they do have rusty chrono</div>
<div> ufotable> stronger this season than last season?</div>
<div> Plutorus> but their bench is super strong regardless of lineup...</div>
<div> Plutorus> id say stronger, yes</div>
<div> Plutorus> what do you think?</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't see enf and chrono enough</div>
<div> ufotable> and 7th pracs every day</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't know if they added another starter necessarily</div>
<div> ufotable> but they certainly lost one</div>
<div> ufotable> If 7th is still on the team, isn't he the 4th over krellin in the top 4 you just listed?</div>
<div> Plutorus> they didnt have krellin last season. and suicidal pracs aside, he can play</div>
<div> Plutorus> dunno, I love the way krellin plays</div>
<div> ufotable> dude</div>
<div> ufotable> you've had too many big macs</div>
<div> Plutorus> haha</div>
<div> Plutorus> veggie macs maybe!</div>
<div> ufotable> that sounds disgusting</div>
<div> ufotable> that would be like 3 buns</div>
<div> ufotable> and beans</div>
<div> Plutorus> lol, slightly anecdotal, I once went through a burger king drive through, and there was a veggie big mac that my friend ordered</div>
<div> ufotable> Burger King doesn't have big macs

<div> ufotable> are you actually american?</div>
<div> Plutorus> it ended up being a regular big mac, minus the meat. just buns, ketchup, onions, pickles lol</div>
<div> Plutorus> YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN</div>
<div> ufotable> FINE</div>
<div> Plutorus> im not a fast food expert</div>
<div> Plutorus> Port Llast?</div>
<div> ufotable> wait</div>
<div> ufotable> LOL</div>
<div> ufotable> was that your entire story?</div>
<div> Plutorus> ye</div>
<div> ufotable> oh man</div>
<div> Plutorus> and btw, I only tell AMAZING stories</div>
<div> ufotable> clearly</div>
<div> ufotable> I give up</div>
<div> ufotable> last thing on OUTLAWS</div>
<div> ufotable> I really like Leg when he's pushing</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't like him as much when he needs to go backwards</div>
<div> Plutorus> thats a great point, he's far less effective in reverse, agree</div>
<div> ufotable> against Assassins, I think that really hurt them in the championship</div>
<div> ufotable> and I wonder how that will go this season</div>
<div> Plutorus> I cant argue</div>
<div> ufotable> against all be Assassins</div>
<div> ufotable> they'd be even odds at least to be mostly forward arrowing</div>
<div> ufotable> (All this is assuming KN is active, if not, all bets are off)</div>
<div> ufotable> but lets say they meet Assassins in the finals</div>
<div> ufotable> Do you still start KN, Bike, Leg, and Krel?</div>
<div> Plutorus> vs nacre, saiyan, develop and mop?</div>
<div> ufotable> yes</div>
<div> Plutorus> I'd have to think about it. Mop is a different player than three</div>
<div> Plutorus> damage would be reduced in that slot pretty significantly</div>
<div> Plutorus> good question</div>
<div> ufotable> What bout Sika or kdak in Mops slot?</div>
<div> ufotable> I guess my point is, I don't know - I'd probably go with a lineup of KN, Bike, Enf, and Barb</div>
<div> ufotable> just something to think about... what if they establish chemistry all season with a certain 4/5</div>
<div> ufotable> and have to change tactics in the finals/semis</div>
<div> ufotable> of course they're deep enough to do it</div>
<div> ufotable> but that elite teamwork that is their great advantage could be hurt in the process</div>
<div> ufotable> ready to move on?</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah, I think that covers outlaws, great team</div>
<div> Plutorus> oh wait</div>
<div> ufotable> agreed, amazing team</div>
<div> Plutorus> I just want to mention hibachi. He has been afk lately, but I think a good captain is very important to a squad, and he's a good captain. Hi hibachi!</div>
<div> ufotable> wtf</div>
<div> ufotable> we're not getting paid for this yet</div>
<div> Plutorus> was that a shoutout?</div>
<div> ufotable> or if you're getting paid</div>
<div> ufotable> you're not sharing</div>
<div> ufotable> Port Llast?</div>
<div> Plutorus> Port Llast!</div>
<div> ufotable> YEAH</div>
<div> ufotable> I can't help but notice immediately</div>
<div> ufotable> that this team was much stronger last season</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah, they lost a handful of key players</div>
<div> Plutorus> this squad has a different look and feel, and I do wish them the best</div>
<div> ufotable> A good thing is that almost everyone is active</div>
<div> ufotable> and practices regularly</div>
<div> ufotable> Seriel has improved greatly as a player over the last season+</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah seriel can be dangerous, and he's another guy I wouldnt want to gunduel</div>
<div> ufotable> My top 4 would be Seriel, HG, THC, and Tweeg</div>
<div> ufotable> with Gutter and Mega as first and second sub</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah, totally agree</div>
<div> ufotable> beyond weird that HG is on this roster</div>
<div> ufotable> did he get lost on the way to the bar?</div>
<div> Plutorus> High Gain really is a legend of the league. He isn't in top form at the moment, but he's a key factor in how far Port Llast can go this season</div>
<div> ufotable> could not agree more</div>
<div> ufotable> their chances of elevation rest with him</div>
<div> Plutorus> yep</div>
<div> Plutorus> the loss of pempu definitely hurts</div>
<div> ufotable> This roster could do with more of his X-factor kind of crazy</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah</div>
<div> ufotable> also</div>
<div> ufotable> shout out to Ninespike</div>
<div> ufotable> new player in league</div>
<div> Plutorus> NINESPIKE!</div>
<div> ufotable> I hope he sticks with it</div>
<div> Plutorus> me too, he's fun to have around</div>
<div> Plutorus> if obesity can regain his old form, he could be a factor too</div>
<div> Plutorus> but right now he looks pretty rusty, I think he'd admit</div>
<div> ufotable> Obe was a mainstay of secret for a long time</div>
<div> ufotable> sorry</div>
<div> ufotable> Nightwatch</div>
<div> ufotable> I always thought he was solid</div>
<div> ufotable> but the rust is palpable at this point</div>
<div> Plutorus> he was on skyrakers too back in the day. Obe was one of the first people I really looked up to, during my nascent days in Chaos</div>
<div> ufotable> Storytime with Plutorus</div>
<div> Plutorus> see, more AMAZING stories lol</div>
<div> ufotable> at least that one wasn't a cliff hanger</div>
<div> ufotable> I'm still waiting to find out what happened after your friend ordered the vege big mac</div>
<div> ufotable> OK</div>
<div> ufotable> so where do you think they finish?</div>
<div> Plutorus> Does Port Llast have a chance at repeating as AML champs?</div>
<div> No banner? What's the B over there? To find out, type !help ranks or !help bonus Hit F1 to learn how to play.</div>
<div> ufotable> If HG regains form they have a chance</div>
<div> Plutorus> no pressure HG!</div>
<div> Plutorus> Ok, SFE?</div>
<div> ufotable> SFE!</div>
<div> ufotable> I'll be quiet for this one</div>
<div> Plutorus> So correct me if I'm wrong, but SFE is possibly the oldest active league squad?</div>
<div> Plutorus> Solar Hydro really needs to be commended for the job he's done, year after year with Starfire Elite</div>
<div> 1 player needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad1 -Izar</div>
<div> Plutorus> imo, their current lineup is one of their best</div>
<div> Plutorus> Shikaa, ufotable, and Something Dutch are a great threesome</div>
<div> ufotable> SFE has been around since '97</div>
<div> ufotable> continuously</div>
<div> Plutorus> Amazing

<div> Plutorus> My problem with SFE, and their recruiting agents, is that they were unable to add a 4th great starter to the squad, to really push them forward</div>
<div> Plutorus> When I look at the rest of the lineup, I don't see the 4th puzzle piece that would transform SFE into a *really* dangerous squad.</div>
<div> Plutorus> That being said, its a great group of the nicest people in subspace. </div>
<div> Plutorus> koach is a nice addition, I think he's a very nice prospect</div>
<div> Plutorus> medicus is probably my choice for the 4th starting slot, but he seems fairly afk</div>
<div> ufotable> unfortunately, I thought we were Erating champs</div>
<div> ufotable> but Nude for Satan has a lower erating than Solar

<div> Plutorus> hehe</div>
<div> Plutorus> mfa often gets starts or important subs, but he doesn't prac much anymore</div>
<div> Plutorus> shikaa is one of my fav pilots, extremely solid play, and could probably play for any team he wanted</div>
<div> Plutorus> ufotable a cornerstone of this squad, a very solid pilot that uses a very cerebral style of play to outwit his opponents. Always solid teamwork and positioning</div>
<div> ufotable> YES</div>
<div> ufotable> I feel so good about myslf</div>
<div> ufotable> .*myself even</div>
<div> Plutorus> something dutch can be a force. He really hassled me in the AML final game last season, peppering me with emps all match long. Can overextend a bit sometimes, but overall a solid pilot that can hurt you</div>
<div> Plutorus> Allow myself to introduce...myself. I'm Austin Powers.</div>
<div> ufotable> wha</div>
<div> ufotable> where did that even come from</div>
<div> ufotable> I'm so confused</div>
<div> Plutorus> SFE is a team I root for, and I think they can hang at a very high level; just wish they could add or groom that 4th starter so we could see them reach their full potential</div>
<div> Plutorus> The Dark?</div>
<div> ufotable> yes I can tag back in!</div>
<div> ufotable> TD</div>
<div> ufotable> TD, Plut may not like or respect you</div>
<div> ufotable> but I do!</div>
<div> Plutorus> lies, I love TD!</div>
<div> ufotable> Who is YELLOW HAMMER?</div>
<div> Plutorus> Everyone says its Jocker - I don't think so myself</div>
<div> ufotable> JOCKER is also on roster</div>
<div> ufotable> also</div>
<div> ufotable> Nebug = Benji?</div>
<div> Plutorus> think so</div>
<div> ufotable> Any idea who swamp is?</div>
<div> Plutorus> no, but swamp is good. Havent seen him in a long time though, unless he's aliased</div>
<div> ufotable> I agree</div>
<div> ufotable> swamp can play</div>
<div> ufotable> readers probably know who all these guys are</div>
<div> ufotable> and we're just too uncool</div>
<div> Plutorus> hah yea</div>
<div> Plutorus> top 4?</div>
<div> ufotable> everyone active, my top 4 would be chrono, blink, nadai, 9-Volt</div>
<div> Plutorus> thats a solid lineup</div>
<div> Plutorus> no monkk?</div>
<div> Plutorus> or jocker?</div>
<div> ufotable> more realistically, it's probably blink, nadai, Benji, Monkk/JOCKER</div>
<div> ufotable> what do you think?</div>
<div> Plutorus> they added someone named EAT LEAD LAMER on Sunday</div>
<div> ufotable> clearly a new player from chaos</div>
<div> Plutorus> hehe</div>
<div> Plutorus> we should start a rumor</div>
<div> Plutorus> isn't that Dacrath?</div>
<div> ufotable> I like how you prefaced that with "we should start a rumor"</div>
<div> ufotable> Dacrath is a good guess though</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah, flys just like him</div>
<div> ufotable> EAT LEAD LAMER is exactly the type of handle that fits his personality</div>
<div> Plutorus> I think its him.</div>
<div> ufotable> Dacrath really swings the balance of power</div>
<div> ufotable> especially if he abuses his 10 year old powers</div>
<div> ufotable> top to bottom, they have a lot of strong talent</div>
<div> ufotable> Nadai, blink, 9-volt, monkk, hammer, Miner (hanging out with his 20 maid harem), JOCKER, chrono, swamp, benji, dozz, dacrath, foul, Kane</div>
<div> ufotable> everyone can play</div>
<div> Plutorus> yes</div>
<div> Plutorus> no weak links</div>
<div> Plutorus> except inactivity</div>
<div> Plutorus> where is monkk lately?</div>
<div> ufotable> Didn't 3 go on a drunken rampage against Monkk?</div>
<div> Plutorus> yeah, monkk came back for that verbal duel, then left again</div>
<div> ufotable> either way</div>
<div> ufotable> I blame Dacrath</div>
<div> Plutorus> clearly</div>
<div> ufotable> so who do you think for top 4?</div>
<div> ufotable> realistically</div>
<div> ufotable> out of guys who will play actively this season</div>
<div> Plutorus> ok, monkk seems inactive and I think chronos is probably outlaws</div>
<div> Plutorus> and jocker is afk</div>
<div> Plutorus> or aliased</div>
<div> Plutorus> ill take nadai, blink, 9volt, benji</div>
<div> Plutorus> they have a ton of questions though</div>
<div> ufotable> When was the last time 9volt played in a league game?</div>
<div> Plutorus> this roster just confuses me</div>
<div> Plutorus> I think 9v played a playoff game for TD last season?</div>
<div> ufotable> I agree</div>
<div> ufotable> confusing roster</div>
<div> Plutorus> potentially could be VERY dangerous</div>
<div> ufotable> They could be contenders</div>
<div> Plutorus> but in a worst case scenario, I could see them having trouble fielding 4 too</div>
<div> ufotable> or the #5 seed</div>
<div> ufotable> Any chance they drop below 5?</div>
<div> Plutorus> imo only due to inactivity</div>
<div> ufotable> yeah I have to agree</div>
<div> ufotable> bhang, captor, fedu, pseudo</div>
<div> Plutorus> I hope Mog joins them

<div> ufotable> against nadai, blink, 9, benji</div>
<div> ufotable> clear edge to TD</div>
<div> 1 player needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad1 -GhostBuster17</div>
<div> Plutorus> think so</div>
<div> ufotable> lol</div>
<div> No banner? What's the B over there? To find out, type !help ranks or !help bonus Hit F1 to learn how to play.</div>
<div> ufotable> If Mog joins them</div>
<div> ufotable> that just makes them more puzzling</div>
<div> ufotable> or rather</div>
<div> Plutorus> haha totally</div>
<div> ufotable> adds another inactive</div>
<div> Plutorus> they need POWER</div>
<div> ufotable> POWER</div>
<div> Plutorus> POWER</div>
<div> ufotable> seriously</div>
<div> ufotable> I don't think that's his only name</div>
<div> ufotable> also</div>
<div> Plutorus> I'm fading quick, my wine has worn off</div>
<div> ufotable> How is it 1.22AM</div>
<div> Plutorus> lol I know</div>
<div> ufotable> who's idea was this?</div>
<div> ufotable> oh man</div>
<div> ufotable> ok</div>
<div> Plutorus> Ok, any last thoughts on The Dark or this log before we wrap it up?</div>
<div> ufotable> Lets wrap up</div>
<div> ufotable> We'll be back to do playoff predicts later this season?</div>
<div> ufotable> do you want to pick a champ right now and one later?</div>
<div> Plutorus> Sure</div>
<div> ufotable> I'm going with Assassins</div>
<div> Plutorus> I'll take outlaws</div>
<div> ufotable> ok we'll go out on this</div>
<div> ufotable> every season, one or more players change squads before roster lock</div>
<div> ufotable> and potentially swing the title</div>
<div> ufotable> we saw it last season</div>
<div> Plutorus> definitely</div>
<div> ufotable> who do you think could be that guy this season?</div>
<div> Plutorus> again, I look at the nacre/saiyan combo</div>
<div> ufotable> which squad do you think they'd end up on?</div>
<div> Plutorus> if they have any issues fielding 4 each week, I could see them saying goodbye again</div>
<div> Plutorus> CM?</div>
<div> ufotable> I agree</div>
<div> ufotable> and CM is my pick too</div>
<div> ufotable> with TD as a distant second</div>
<div> Plutorus> yep, that was my other thought</div>
<div> ufotable> EAT LEAD LAMER is my pick</div>
<div> Plutorus> Hey, its hard to pick against Dacrath.</div>
<div> ufotable> to swing the title for Assassins</div>
<div> ufotable> ok, we're done

<div> ufotable> good times</div>
<div> </div>