Poll: how do you want your safes?
as they are is fine
i'm super cool and i say make them easier to get to
i'm even more awesome and i want even more 'easy to get to safes' on the map!
i want them to be made harder to get into, like my knickers
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safe zones: make them easier to get to please!
just a quick post to explain something to surrey who i was having a stimulating chat with earlier today in the zone.


ok here, in a nutshell is why i see safes as they are, as less than ideal:

when players have to be afk they tend to float instead of fly safe

increasing the amount of safe zones and making them quicker to fly to would decrease the amount of afk floating as players passing a safe would just park there instead

i would hope we all understand that to be true.

that is one but not the only reason i would like to try this. that is the point we got stuck on today when you were saying this is irrelevant to the floating question. it is not irrelevant to this one issue i draw focus upon.

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safe zones: make them easier to get to please! - Capt ARGH! - 06-14-2011, 10:16 PM

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