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  A "salary" (erat?) Cap? Is that possible/sensible/worthwhile?
Posted by: Nude For Satan - 12-21-2012, 07:57 AM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (6)

After my hundreds of seasons as a Pro League veteran and countless pennants in 4v4 I was just wondering if you guys had ever tried levelling the playing field by capping the total/average player ratings for a squad?

Has it been tried? Discussed?

Pros? Cons?

Just wondering.

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  Movies for Death
Posted by: Nude For Satan - 12-20-2012, 08:31 AM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (3)

For Death Incarnate:

Deadville - zombie horror/drama from Northern Ireland - pretty bad, scoring is bad, but the story isnt bad :


Zombie Wars - this is one of those "omg this is the worst movie i've ever seen." "so are you comin in, then?" "gimme an hour and a half." movies :


I thought Andy Milligan's Carnage was on here somewhere too, but I couldn't find it.

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  First Official Graduate
Posted by: PsyOps - 12-20-2012, 04:41 AM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (7)

[ Tutorial ] [>-----------[ Phase 1 ]-----------<]

[ CZ Tutor ] > Welcome to Subspace.

[ CZ Tutor ] > This is Chaos Zone and you are inside our tutorial arena.

[ CZ Tutor ] > First we will begin with basic controls.

[ CZ Tutor ] > You are in control of the ship that is in the center of your screen.

[ CZ Tutor ] > The UP arrow key on your keyboard thrusts your ship forwards.

[ CZ Tutor ] > The DOWN arrow key thrusts your ship backwards.

[ CZ Tutor ] > The LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys rotate your ship.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Try moving your ship around.

[ Tutorial ] [>-----------[ Phase 2 ]-----------<]

[ CZ Tutor ] > Great! To increase the power of your ship and get extra weapons you must pick up PRIZES.

[ CZ Tutor ] > PRIZES look like rotating green boxes.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Go ahead and pick up five of them and see how your ship upgrades and gets extra goodies.

[ CZ Tutor ] > If you cannot see them on your screen,

[ CZ Tutor ] > they are represented by green dots on the radar box in the bottom right of your screen.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Thats [1] !!!

[ CZ Tutor ] > Thats [2] !!!

[ CZ Tutor ] > Thats [3] !!!

[ CZ Tutor ] > Thats [4] !!!

[ CZ Tutor ] > Thats [5] !!!

[ Tutorial ] [>-----------[ Phase 3 ]-----------<]

[ CZ Tutor ] > Congratulations!!! You got 5 prizes.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Now lets try some shooting.

[ CZ Tutor ] > On your radar you can now see blue dots.

[ CZ Tutor ] > These are enemy ships.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Fly towards them and once you arrive use the CTRL key to shoot them.

[ CZ Tutor ] > If you dont see the blue dots go find those baddies!

pet virus> weird

pet virus> like a creepy doll

pet virus> drone i mean

[ CZ Tutor ] > Great, 1 more to go!

[ Tutorial ] [>-----------[ Phase 4 ]-----------<]

[ CZ Tutor ] > Congratulations!!!

[ CZ Tutor ] > You killed them both!

[ CZ Tutor ] > Now notice when you fire your guns the bar at the top of your screen goes down.

[ CZ Tutor ] > This bar is your energy level.

[ CZ Tutor ] > You use energy when you fire your guns.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Energy is also your health so the more you fire the weaker you become.



[ CZ Tutor ] > Guns can get upgraded (by picking up green prizes) to be more powerful,

[ CZ Tutor ] > and to have multifire and bounce off walls.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Guns are just one of many weapons in the game. Lets try bombs.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Pick up the prize nearby.

[ Tutorial ] [>-----------[ Phase 5 ]-----------<]

[ CZ Tutor ] > Ok now to fire a bomb. Press the TAB key.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Go ahead and try it.

[ Tutorial ] [>-----------[ Phase 6 ]-----------<]

[ CZ Tutor ] > Notice it takes alot of energy to fire a bomb and you get a little "kick" from firing it.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Bombs are more powerful then guns and have a blast radius.

[ CZ Tutor ] > So dont fire a bomb next to a wall or you will damage yourself!

[ CZ Tutor ] > Bombs can also be fired as mines.

[ CZ Tutor ] > These are static bombs. To lay a mine press SHIFT+Tab.

[ Tutorial ] [>-----------[ Phase 7 ]-----------<]

[ CZ Tutor ] > Notice how it just hangs there in space?

[ CZ Tutor ] > Mines can be used to deny areas of the map to the enemy.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Bombs and mines can be upgraded (by getting green prizes) to have proximity fuses,

[ CZ Tutor ] > and fire out shrapnel when they go off.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Now fire off another bomb.

[ Tutorial ] [>-----------[ Phase 8 ]-----------<]

[ CZ Tutor ] > In the game you usually are not alone.

[ CZ Tutor ] > The players are split into even teams.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Players on your team are colored yellow.

[ CZ Tutor ] > That's a friendly player.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Fly over to him and try shooting him with your gun.

[ CZ Tutor ] > See how the bullets go straight through him?

[ CZ Tutor ] > Thats because you cannot shoot your teammate.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Also when your teammate picks up a prize you get it!

[ CZ Tutor ] > He shares your prizes too.

[ CZ Tutor ] > A good team can power themselves up very quickly.

[ CZ Tutor ] > This is why you will often see your team members say " Get Green!" .

[ CZ Tutor ] > They need powerups because they are weak and want you to pick them up to help.

[ Tutorial ] [>-----------[ Phase 9 ]-----------<]

[ CZ Tutor ] > You are able to talk to your team privately by typing // before it or typing ' before it.

[ CZ Tutor ] > For example:

[ CZ Tutor ] > // This is a team message

[ CZ Tutor ] > or

[ CZ Tutor ] > 'This is a team message

[ CZ Tutor ] > Now type // Hello

[ Tutorial ] [>-----------[ Phase 10 ]-----------<]

[ CZ Tutor ] > You and all friendly ships got that message.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Now to type a message to everyone in the game including enemy ships.

pet virus> U DONT CONTROL ME

[ CZ Tutor ] > Just type Hello without the //

pet virus> I AM THE CHOSEN ONE

pet virus> HELLO

[ Tutorial ] [>-----------[ Phase 11 ]-----------<]

[ CZ Tutor ] > Great see how its a different color?

[ CZ Tutor ] > Friendly messages are in yellow.

[ CZ Tutor ] > General messages are in blue.

[ CZ Tutor ] > A word of warning.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Be careful what you type.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Its very easy to come across as a jerk.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Remember a little honor goes a long way in SubSpace.

[ CZ Tutor ] > If you're new just politely ask when you need help.

[ CZ Tutor ] > A "Please" will always make a response much more likely.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Type "OK" to carry on.

pet virus> OK

[ Tutorial ] [>-----------[ Finished!! ]-----------<]

5:CZ Tutor> Player[ pet virus ] Phase[ 12 ] Description: Last phase!.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Now you have the very basics of SubSpace.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Remember there are many more weapons and features within the game,

[ CZ Tutor ] > and it will take you months to master.

[ CZ Tutor ] > But thats all part of the fun.

[ CZ Tutor ] > For now go into Chaos Zone in the game and have a blast.

[ CZ Tutor ] > After you have mastered flying and shooting please visit our website at "subspace.co" .

[ CZ Tutor ] > There are many online resources there to help you out.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Also at any point in the game hit f1 for help.

[ CZ Tutor ] > Or type !help or .help to get assistance from bots.

[ CZ Tutor ] > (Bot will now send you to Chaos' main arena.)

[ CZ Tutor ] > If at any time you need any help,

pet virus> I am a graduate of the SubSpace Basic Training Camp. I want to meet people from all over the world and kill them. And then play some subspace.

[ CZ Tutor ] > type "?help [your question here]" .

[ CZ Tutor ] > See you in the Game!

help: (pet virus) (Public 2): Why is my penis hard?

PsyOps> :pet virus:*kill 999

Player kicked off

PsyOps> EZ

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  Holiday map is now live! 12/17
Posted by: Plutorus - 12-17-2012, 07:04 PM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (5)

Merry Chaosmas!

Holiday map is now up, with some brand new graphical additions. 'Tis the season for giving the gift of bullets, bombs, and more!

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  S33 Returning and new squads, info. Read.
Posted by: Caerbannog - 12-17-2012, 04:41 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (27)

Ok so Season 32 is complete and you can read "all" about it in the other thread.. just over there.

Season 33 will start on the 10th of February.

Returning squads 4:
StarFire Elite

Not returning?
thor - pretty much confirmed dead
Assassins .. told me they wouldn't return, other rumors tell me they might.

New squads 5:
Requiem - Three, Candyman - Sika, ozn, smurftra?
Alpha Reunion - OralIntruder, some alpha pilots (13)
Nuke - Dre ....
Shocktech - Amphitheater
Unhallowed - Death Artist


Now, here's the interesting part.
Some of you were previously approached by a certain SS persona, asking about the state of the league and all. Most of the captains that were contacted were apparently for a Captains' Council. (most of them were happy with the way our dead league is ran btw)

We're going to have it. Kind of. Maybe.

1. (Returning) Squads will appoint a person from their ranks to be a part of the council. (you can talk this over, but I'll take the nomination from any formiddable squad captain)
2. These people will be granted basic moderator rights on the bots, and will be assumed to somewhat adhere to the rules.
3. These people "council members", if you will, will somehow discuss and vote on league issues.
4. The first order of business to vote on would be;
Do we want to run this council, it will have to have some basic rules. I'll handle some part of drafting those up.
Do we want to allow members from new squads? (there's a possible loophole here to get 2 votes for yourself and just dissolve a squad later)
If we do want this council;
How long will the season be? What will the season format and play-offs format be? What will the roster lock rule and roster movement rules be?
Once those are out of the way (the sooner the better), we can point at the ship settings and tell the council to "fix" it.

Here are the very few rules for the council so far:
1. Council members have to vote by date X. Set on a case-by-case basis. Should they fail to do so, their vote is moot. Two misses and the member must be replaced.
2. Council members are mods on bots; thus they can now help with AFK caps and such ordinary issues. And fix certain issues on match days.**
3. Assuming an even number of votes, ties default to no change over whatever change the 2 members wanted. Why? Because no change is usually more acceptable.
4. You may not vote in any system to limit the free speech, even if most people are dicks, to prevent issues with banned players.
5. Ship settings are easy to fiddle with. "Game" settings that require bot interaction or rules still depend on Underlord. So I can't guarantee anything.
6. Ultimate overlord Caerbannog+ will provide the council with the current .cfg and .lvl files if necessary. I will also upload the final .cfg files if ship settings are changed. Besides that, I'll start bots and schedule games onto bots based on whatever the season format is.
7. If a council member changes squads, his or her status is revoked and the squad appoints a new member.
8. We need to find a way to control which issue is being discussed when, and how ofter you are allowed to bug the others with the same garbage.
9. The decisions might or might not be final, this is just a minor detail.

** might need actual arena mod for this too, which will be on a separate name.

I don't expect this to be much different from the open conversation type we've had on settings for the past... eternity. And to make it perfectly clear: I won't be on the council other than watching over them and maybe trolling their conversations with my knowledge, but I won't vote. Unless whatever squad I'm on actually appoints me as their representative.

HOWEVER. For this to work, we need to have the council members set pretty soonish (end of year). So they can decide on the stuff mentioned above by, say the first weekend of January. Longer off-seasons are bad for population. If it fails, I'll just start S33 that looks a lot like S32 did around mid-January.

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  S32 Finals recap
Posted by: Caerbannog - 12-17-2012, 04:15 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (3)

So Season 32 is over. Check the forum for S33 info.

FTNguyen wins both the regular season (15-0, +122 K/D) and PRO League, 2-1 over Assassins.

Llamas win AML 2-0 over StarFire Elite.

PRO Final series scores:

Assassins def FTNguyen 7-5

FTNguyen def Assassins 3-2 OT

FTNguyen def Assassins 8-7 OT

Game 1 was handled previously so...

Game 2 Was a really slow, well played game. In the total of five deaths the total WR count was 0. Wasted Rockets 3. Assassins never used a sub. 9-Volt was 1-0 with 5 FR and the bot MVP.

The actual deciding kill was mAImER on develop.

The spec chat was totally lame. Mostly Doigs (definitely not Digs) debating something football related with Three.

Game 3 worked out like most series that have gone 3 games with 2 slow games to start. The first kill took a while, but then things got out of hand fast. Game 2 saw the first kill at 19 minutes. Game 3 had it at 5:53 with KN wasting 2 repels. Assassins would go on to push this up to a 3-0 lead by 15:29 while FTNguyen concentrated on wasting more repels. By 23:47 both develop and The Village Bike had died twice at a 4-2 score for Assassins. This was shortly after Legacy subbed in with 2 lives. By 26:16 the score was 6-3 for Assassins with TVB, KN and Legacy all last life and Maimer with 3. FTNguyen then got 3 kills straight to even it at 6-6 and 27:34. Plenty of time left. The game slowed down, as they tend to, and the next kill was mAImER by Jake at 40:54 for a winning 7-6. However... Jake was 0 repels at this point. The other assassins spent their repels saving him, and at 44:22 9-Volt had used all of his repels and was killed out with the score now 7-7 for OT. FTNguyen didn't do anything too hazardous in the OT either and with all of Assassins at 0, pushed on. At 46:46 KN landed a close thor on Jake for the winning kill after Jake caught a few bombs and bullets to set it up nicely. 8-7 and season.

The log first states that the game is over, Assassins win. Then there are dramatic looking HUGE!!!! and EPIC!!!! shouts at the 7-7 and 8-7 kills.

Well played both teams, in general anyways <img src='http://www.subspace.co/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

For A1: The Village Bike, KinGNewbiE, hibachi, N00dlez -- 7th Saga, Legacy, mAImer --- Caerbannog, Danks, DarkDenizen, Rambo, realdeal

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  S32 Semi-Finals R2 results, Finals info
Posted by: Caerbannog - 12-04-2012, 02:52 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - No Replies

Both series are over at 2-0. Congratulations to FTNguyen and Assassins for making the finals, again.

12/2 3:03 pm FTNguyen def Rebels 10-6 log

12/2 2:45 pm Assassins def Thor 12-4 log

FTNguyen vs. Rebels started out slow, then picked up pace when Rebels were forced to go for kills. The first kill was only at 16:00. The first time FTNguyen was at a winning score was 4-2 at 38:52. That's when stuff started exploding. The game ultimately finished in a chaotic F3 fest.

Thor vs. Assassins started off by 3 lagging out. Thus he started the game with an empty space craft. He died at 4:29. Apart from that I'm not sure what went wrong for Thor since I obviously didn't see the game. They seem to have kept exploding at a pace of once every two minutes to have the game 4-1 for Assassins by 13:02 and 2 deaths on 3. Maybe they could not slow the game down? You can just leave a reply here with any comments on the matter.

Comments on the lagout before engaging were in the game log. Yes. It sucks that you can lose a life to that. If it is an alt-tab issue, then it's on you. There is a one minute timer before the bot starts the game from !start or !ready. You need to alt-tab back in during that period and get the lag out out of the way.

I prefer my rules simple, so no one has to cry BIAS. If we return toys to people who haven't engaged, it soon becomes "people who didn't use toys", etc. But... there's something in the works to possibly deal with all this. I'll give you more details on that at a later date.

As for the finals.


Llamas vs. StarFire Elite game 1 -R18 / 108402


Llamas vs. StarFire Elite game 2 -R19 / 108403

FTNguyen vs. Assassins game 1 - R18 / 108404

Two more games for PRO will be played next week (at 3 and 4). AML will have the remaining one game next week at whichever slot the squads want, if it is needed.

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  Dueling Zone up in Chaos! Come play.
Posted by: hallucination - 11-28-2012, 03:24 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - No Replies

Dueling Zone makes its return! No reps, no greens, 1 mine, no bonuses, no ranks -- just pure, raw skillzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Streaks are turned on, and also, of course, stats count toward the reset!

Up for at least a week, then we'll return to the normal Chaos.


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  DZ up for a week!
Posted by: hallucination - 11-28-2012, 03:23 PM - Forum: Chaos Discussion - Replies (7)

Dueling Zone makes its return! No reps, no greens, 1 mine, no bonuses, no ranks -- just pure, raw skillzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Streaks are turned on, and also, of course, stats count toward the reset!

Up for at least a week, then we'll return to the normal Chaos.


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  S32 Semis R1 results...
Posted by: Caerbannog - 11-27-2012, 04:04 PM - Forum: Pro League Discussion - Replies (3)

Results from the first round of the BO3:

11/25 3:55 pm Assassins def Thor 11-7 log

11/25 2:57 pm FTNguyen def Rebels 7-5 log

Rebels vs. FTNguyen was a rather slow paced game even before BARBARIAN got into his spider. I watched the whole thing but can't recall any failures or pretty kills really. So it was good subspacing.

Assassins vs. Thor had 3 fly around in a leviathan. While he did get to over 100k damage dealt, I suppose most people expected him to .sc 6 earlier in the game (he only did it at 43:50 when Thor was already down 4v3 and 8-5. They got it to 8-7, which is as close as they got. The first 7 kills of the game were either by 9-volt or baldorin.

Games 2 and 3 for the series will be at 3 and 4 pm slots on November 2nd. Llamas and SFE are playing 2 games (at least) a week from that. The first game of Pro finals will also be played on the 9th, on whichever timeslot the squads opt to start out with.


Assassins vs. Thor -- 108142

FTNguyen vs. Rebels -- 108143

4pm if necessary ... if not... 2v2?:

Assassins vs. Thor -- no gameid yet, will only schedule if the game is played.

FTNguyen vs. Rebels

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